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Saturday, 5 November 2011

Advice to the wise...

So, I was going through my day routinely when I suddenly decided to check the inbox, dear praying unmarried woman, and was pleasantly surprised to see this letter written for you. I know without a doubt that you will be blessed by these advices as it was thoughtfully written for your benefit.

"Marriage is a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, NOT A WOMAN TO A WOMAN OR A MAN TO A MAN.
Many people happily enter into marriage with the hope that it will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, some couples are so preoccupied with the immediate benefits of marriage that they fail to thoroughly weigh the realisms involved in a lifetime commitment. 

Based on my premarital experience, I suggest the following on how to prepare for a successful and God glorifying marriage.

Seek God`s Approval: Ask God for insight and listen for God`s answer, be obedient to God`s instruction because lifetime decisions without God`s direction can lead to disastrous results.

Assess the relationship: Consider your motives in marrying: Are they right ones have you developed a real friendship, and do you communicate with one another or is most of your time spent getting physical.

Discuss major Issues: Personal expectations, finances, and in-laws are three universal issues that can cause serious problems if not addressed beforehand. Observe the actions and reactions of your spouse to be when these issues are discussed. This will give you some idea of what to expect after the wedding.

Seek premarital counseling early: Part of the traditional wedding service states that ``holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted of God is not to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly.”  You and your fiancĂ© or fiancĂ©e should get a godly counseling, both jointly and individually.

If in doubt, Don`t- If you are having second thoughts, postpone the wedding, talk openly and honestly about your feelings with your spiritual adviser or counselor. Taking time to be sure is far better than spending a lifetime being sorry, miserable, and angry with your spouse or yourself, do not allow yourself to be pressured into marriage by people or circumstances.

Know what God requires of you: God expects you to honor your vows and will hold you accountable to them. Realize that the commitment is for as long as you both shall live, not until the better gets worse, the health becomes sickness, or the money gets scarce. God`s plans is for lifetime commitment.

There are no fifty-fifty percentages in marriage: Both persons must determine to give one hundred percent regardless of the return. Making a lifetime commitment means that you cannot just conveniently change your mind if communication goes bad, your needs go unmet, your mate gains weight, or your feelings change- not if you want to maintain a right relationship with God.  At those times when the glow of romance dims, trust God to provide you with sufficient grace, wisdom and guidance to see you through.

Take time to prepare honestly and prayerfully for a lifetime commitment. It can mean the difference between glorious and successful and failure in marriage.

God bless you."

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