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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Note to Self: ... Pray for Your Future husband

"Every earthly story of romance is borrowed from the eternal love story between God and His children."

Video: The Importance of Prayer After 55 Years of Marriage


Some time last year, I had borrowed a book from a friend and that book was life changing. Perhaps it gave me the encouragement and the push I needed to begin this blog in October of last year. Praying for your Future Husband is written by both Tricia Goyer and Robin Jones Gunn. 

"God hears. He sees. He knows us. He cares more than we can ever comprehend. And most important of all, God answers prayer.


Perhaps you’ve noticed that the way God answers prayers often isn’t what we expect. We look back years later and see that what God did was oh so much better than what we first envisioned when we sent our heartfelt requests heavenward.  He created us, and He desires the best for us. God always gives His best to those who leave the outcomes with Him.

Another, even more amazing mystery is that, when we pray for someone else, we change. All of us were made to be loved, to give and to receive love. When your heart connects through prayer to the One who is the source of true love, you’ll find that praying for your future husband will wondrously result in your heart being changed. And when your heart is changed, your life is transformed."

                                                                                                     _Robin Jones Gunn

Here are a couple Key Points You can start praying about : 

  1.  Pray that your marriage will glorify God and be an example of God’s intention for marriage (1Corinthians 10:31)
  2.      Pray that God will give you wisdom and compassion in dealing with your in-laws (Matthew 5:7)
  3.        For God to bless and strengthen your marriage in the midst of the pressure and problems of your lives (2 Corinthians 12:9)
  4.         For God to protect your marriage from the attacks of Satan. Deliver you from his evil, destructive plans (1 Peter 5:8)
  5.    Plead  that his power would sustain and give stability to your marriage (Jeremiah 32:17)
  6. Pray that you would be kind and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32)
A few more to consider...

  1.            Plead that God would give you a heart to seek after Him and serve Him all the days of your lives (Psalm 63:1)
  2.            Ask that He would deliver you from pettiness and unforgiveness in your relationship (Matthew 18:20-21)  
  3. Ask that you would love and obey His Word, building your lives, marriage, and family on its truth (Psalm 119:97)     
  4.       Pray that you will be kind and gentle to each other through the ups and downs of your life together (1 Corinthians 13:4)
  5. Pray that you will always seek what is best for your relationship (1 Corinthians 13:5)

1 comment:

  1. Very important words for every single woman and for the married as well. It's never too late to commit your relationships to God. love the post!
