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Thursday, 27 October 2011

“To Court Now or Go to Court Later?”

“Courting is not casual dating with a Christianized name, it’s not the rubber stamp of the certainty of a future marriage. However, it is a special season where you seriously weigh the possibility of marriage; its purpose is to discern God’s will for marriage; it’s a season of deliberate, open and careful consideration of the possibility of marriage.”
                                                      _   Joe Lechner

Below is a message sent for you, dear praying unmarried woman, by a woman who has been married for thirty four years, discussing the importance of courting.

" In my opinion it is advisable for young people to court before marriage.
Courtship is the process of developing a romantic relationship before marriage. The period of courtship varies, for some one year, for some six months, for some three years or more.
This is the period two adults of the opposite sex study each other’s behaviour - likes and dislikes. What unites them or not. It is a period when they ask questions and also reflect on the idea as to ''Is this relationship worth the pain? Is it workable? And so on.
It is a time of self examination and re-examination.
Make sure you will not go with anyone who violates God's commands.
Do not go with someone your parents will disapprove.
Make sure you will not go with someone who will encourage you to compromise your Biblical convictions!
Do not go with someone who will make your service to God miserable."
                                                                      From Patricia

Friday, 21 October 2011

“1, 2, 3...let’s learn the foundation.”

May I say one thing…? (This is the part where you pick up your notebook to take notes)… There is no you, without him. And no, I do not mean your future husband; I’m talking about the creator of heaven and earth.

      Having said that, let’s establish the basics and the fundamentals to any relationship you begin. Jesus Christ should be the solid rock which you rely on in this journey of life and excluding him from one of the most important decisions in your life such as marriage, is not a smart idea. The choice of who you will marry is so vital to how your life will turn out in the end, as you are joining your destiny to another person’s destiny, that you do not want to make a careless mistake based on emotions.

You are the one who will decide whether or not you will marry that man, so I suggest you choose wisely but above all CHOOSE to set the foundations right!

     In your state of “singleness” learn to become close to God, as you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness so that all else will  be added to you, even a godly spouse (Matthew 6:33). A pastor once advised a congregation of youths to “master the voice of God” at this stage in their lives because as apostle Paul noted once you are married your focus will be divided as you will seek to please your spouse and not God alone.

“An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs-how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world-how he can please his wife- and his interests are divided” (NIV)

   1 Corinthians 7:32-34

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Dear Praying Unmarried Woman,

This blog is created to the glory of GOD for every young woman whose desire is to one day get married and enjoy the blessings of having a good foundation in her happy home. My prayer for you is that this may be your portion as the LORD leads you to your half.

Furthermore, I want this to be a medium for women to advice other young unmarried woman. I believe that there is a reason for every experience one had to pass through.Through this blog  any woman can spare another from making the same mistakes and/or advice her on how to enjoy a blissful home as she is.
Any advice ,testimonies or links are welcome
and can be sent to

Let's get this blog started!

PS: this blog is created in joint effort with you as you send any information you can :)